"Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons)" by Matt Redman, released on 10,000 Reasons (2011) This video is a little different than what you'll hear on the CD recording (since this CD is live and this video is a studio recording), but I thought it was nice to actually see the man who wrote it get excited about this song and worship along with it. Why I recommend this song for worship- The Psalms are replete with praise to the Lord. I wonder, if you counted them, how quickly you would actually reach 10,000 reasons. It is always appropriate to recall why we should praise the Lord, as this song does in each verse, followed by an opportunity to "Bless the Lord" as a congregation. I love how the verses work through different areas in which we should be thankful, starting with creation, moving to the attributes of God, and ending with our hope of the next life. Wherever someone is as they are called to worship with this song, whether a time of trial, blessing, or wear