Sunday Singables: "By Grace Alone"

"By Grace Alone" words by Martin Luther (1483-1546), music by David Ward, released by (2002)

Click Here to listen to "By Grace Alone", performed by David "Doc" Harris and Brielle Stallard

Happy Reformation Sunday everyone. This is a very special Sunday for me as we remember the anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation way back on October 31, 1517. Tradition places Martin Luther as the main instigator of this second great schism of the church, and so I'm featuring one of his less well known songs today. We do this song regularly at our church and I hope you are encouraged by it.

Why I recommend this song for worship-

Proper worship should stem from a proper knowledge of our place and status in light of who God is. When we are humbled by the fact that God did everything to accomplish salvation for us, we focus solely on Him and not ourselves. Without that realization our worship becomes tainted with thoughts focused on us and our needs. This song does a wonderful job of focusing us on God's grace and lifting Him up for all that He has done. It echoes several passages of scripture, including Psalm 130, and accurately depicts our condition as sinners saved by grace alone. This is one of the central doctrines from the Reformation and something it is always good to be reminded of as we come before God in worship.

Changes I've made-

The only addition I've made is adding a key-change for the final verse. You'll find those chords on the picture file below underneath the melody line. Martin Luther is very careful with his theology in this song and I enjoy singing this English translation as is. We've done it with both a simple solo piano and vocals as well as playing it with a full band and multiple singers. Either way, I think your church will be blessed by these solid words and the encouraging joyful melody.

(just click on the picture and copy/paste it into your document program to print and play along)

Click here for the full piano copy with melody and chords from Reformed Praise

You can find David Ward's version of this song on Amazon and


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