Worship Wednesday- A Christian's Daily Prayer

This post was a bit of a struggle to be honest. A week of wet basement, which is now just moist and musty, repair estimates, band prep, Dadding... I feel kind of distracted. I wish I'd spent more time in the Word, wish I'd spent more time doing lots of things, but that's not how things worked out. And you know what? That's ok. Even when I'm feeling pulled all over the place and anything but profound, which is most of the time, it's so good to listen to my song of the week and reflect back on what God has done. Up today is A Christian's Daily Prayer. This is the perfect song for me in the morning, or before bed, or really any time. So often I awake with little to no energy to face the day. Rather than feeling refreshed, I feel lethargic and ready for a few more hours of sleep. In the early months of 2018 this was particularly pronounced while I went through depression. As I awoke, I'd have a few blissful seconds of hazy semi-consciousness where the r...