When A Noise Is All You Got

Sometimes it's hard to worship God. Some days the energy just isn't there. Maybe you are like me and feel like if you can't give your best, than what's the use? Maybe you come to church on Sunday and feel like God skipped you when he was handing out the pretty voices. Maybe you wonder what gifts you possess that you God could possibly want. It can be discouraging when we go to present our offerings before the Lord either on Sunday or during the week and instead of gold, frankincense, or myrrh we have ragged nerves, a distracted mind, and maybe 10 minutes here and there to give. But even in this God is gracious. While God does call us to be holy, our worship of Him isn't dependent on our perfection. If that were the case we would never be able to worship God. He also doesn't call us to only give only what we would consider beautiful and worthy. As Psalm 51 says, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not...