Sunday Singables: "And Can It Be?"

"And Can It Be?" written by Charles Wesley, music and arrangement by Scott Roley & Indelible Grace

Why I recommend this song for worship-

This song served as our call to to worship this morning. It combines the classic words of Charles Wesley with a fresh new tune. Part of my passion in music ministry is introducing classic hymns to a new generation as well as making older hymns sound fresh and new. Indelible Grace is a ministry that shares this passion. In order to rework hymns, sometimes just a new arrangement with the same melody is needed. Sometimes it means a whole new melody. With this hymn either one will work. I still love the original majestic tune found in most hymnals. However, the new upbeat music from Indelible Grace fits the joy that the words speak of very well. The repetitive melody is easy to pick up and allows the singer to really focus on the words without having to think too hard about what note to sing next. This will be one we use in our congregation for years to come in both of its forms.

Changes I've Made-

I haven't done much to this one. The chord chard I attached is in the key of E which is very singable as well as a good key for instrumentalists. You can also find this in the key of F and D from the Indelible Grace website (linked below). If you are used to the traditional version, perhaps you could even sing a verse or a chorus with that melody before breaking into this new one. However you sing it, the text of this song is worth the effort.

(just click & copy/paste this into a document to enjoy)

-->Click here for more resources related to this song from Indelible Grace
          (including lead sheets and chord charts in alternate keys)

This song is available from Indelible Grace Music and Amazon


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