The Perfect Game

I don't often do this, but I want to repost something from a blog I follow. It's from Kevin DeYoung's post today about our national pastime, baseball. I love baseball. The strategy, the stories... there's just something about it that is magical to me. Whether you like it or not, Kevin's post is worth the read. He is an excellent writer and puts many of my own thoughts into eloquent prose I could never reproduce. Here is a sample:

"I have always been a big sports fan. I got that from my dad, saw it in my grandfathers, and found it in all my friends. Now I’m passing it on to my sons. Chicago-born, I’ve been a lifelong Bears, Bulls, Blackhawks, and Sox fan. The rest of the extended DeYoung clan roots for the Cubs, but my dad had the good sense to switch loyalties with the Go-Go Sox of ’59, and now I’ll be a Sox fan for life...

I know the many knocks on baseball: The games are too slow. The season is too long. The contracts are too big. I know about steroids and strike-shortened seasons. I know the players chew and spit and adjust themselves too much. I know every pitcher except for Mark Buerhle takes too much time in between pitches. I know that purists hate the DH rule and almost everyone hates the Yankees. I understand if baseball is not your thing. You don’t have to like our national pastime.

But you should.
Baseball is unique in the pantheon of professional American sports. It’s the only one where time doesn’t end your game. It’s the only one where offense and defense are totally compartmentalized. And it’s the only sport that actually works on radio..."

--> To read the rest of the article click here


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