New Song- Christ Intercedes

It's been a great joy to really settle into my new ministry at Hixson Pres in TN. I love to be counted among those who get to work at their dream job. God has certainly been good. I'm continuing to write and arrange here and there. A song I've been working on for a long time is finally finished. I finished the melody earlier this year and have finally completed a demo recording. The song is Christ Intercedes . It uses the text from Anne Steele's hymn He Lives, the Great Redeemer Lives which has a very tricky meter.This arrangement adds what I hope to be a singable melody and a reflective chorus emphasizing the main theme of this song- Christ's role as our intercessor. I hope you find it useful and meditative as you reflect on the person and work of Jesus Christ in your life. Click here to download a free .mp3 of the song