God the Judge- Psalm 7

It's been a while since I've posted. A lot of that is due to my efforts, through the Spirit, to kill off some idols of self-promotion. I'm still chugging away at memorizing songs and learning, but what I share will be a bit more sporadic. Lately I've been meditating a lot on the Psalms. My quiet time had me in Psalm 7 today. As I reflected on that the idea of God's judgment came to mind. In this Psalm, David asks for God to judge the wicked, knowing that he himself is a man who walks in righteousness. He seek to judge the wicked himself, despite his statements of personal integrity. That is just a unique view on things given our world today. In our culture it seems the more a person is self-righteous the more judgmental they are. Scripture tells us that the more righteous we are, the more we let God be the judge and leave it at that. With all that going through my mind I decided to right a poem regarding what I had learned. So, here it is... I see such so...