Sunday Singables: "Dear Refuge Of My Weary Soul"

"Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul" by Anne Steele (1717-1778), music by Kevin Twit, released by Indelible Grace on their first album and by the BBC Chapel Band on Gospel Worship (2004).

Click here to listen: sung and played by David "Doc" Harris --> "Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul"

This is one of my favorite songs. It can be done congregationally, but is more often a special music number. The original hymn by Anne Steele has 39 verses. You can read them here if you'd like. This hymn was born out of a very tragic life, but speaks volumes about trusting in the Lord at all times. I first heard it at college and love how one of our profs sings it. It's him on the recording linked above. I hope you are encouraged by it.

Why I recommend this song for worship-

Each of us comes to worship on Sunday from a different point in life. Some are excited to be there. Some are tired. Others have a pasted smile on their face. Maybe some would rather be anywhere else, but it's Sunday so they're at church. Still others come through the door just barely hanging onto their composure as life has beaten them up all week. All of us need refuge from the weary and battering world around us, and this song reflects that need. It places God as our sovereign King, watching over His children, always having a listening ear to those in need. I believe, more often than not, these are the kinds of songs that really speak to the heart of those that come to worship in the midst of pain, needing relief and refuge.

Changes I've made-

If you listen to the recording above compared to Indelible Grace's recording, the only difference is really the pace of the song. Doc's version above is more artistic and is a little harder to sing along with, although in the end I prefer it over the pace of Indelible Grace's version. If you are looking for a steadier rhythm for a larger group to sing along with, I would go with Indelible Grace's version. Also, I've written in a key change from D to E on the lead sheet below. I've also included a link to Indelible Grace's lead sheet which is in C.


(just click on the images and copy/paste them into your document software to print)

Click here for Indelible Grace's notated lead sheet to go along with their version

You can find this song on Amazon (Indelible Grace's version)


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