Sunday Singables: "Let Your Kingdom Come"

"Let Your Kingdom Come" by Bob Kauflin, released by Sovereign Grace on their album Valley of Vision (2006)

This is a song I was first introduced to a few years ago after purchasing Valley of Vision from Sovereign Grace Ministries, an album based upon the book of puritan prayers with the same title. Many of the songs on the album are excellent for worship, but since I am only doing one per week, we'll start with this upbeat one. I'm not sure why, but for now you can actually download this song for free from their website. Just click here and then click "download" next to Let Your Kingdom Come on their list of the songs on the album.

Why I recommend this song for worship-

This is a great song to worship with, especially as a call to worship. Christ tells us to pray "Thy Kingdom come" as a part of the Lord's prayer, and this song really echoes that sentiment. I believe the Kingdom of God is at hand, as Christ told us, yet there are many aspects that are still yet to come. That is the "now, and not yet" tension this song speaks of. It also encourages us to rely on God's strength for courage to speak about the Kingdom to others, thus urging us to have a spirit of humility as we go about this task for God. Some of the best songs out there are simply singing scripture back to God, and I think this song really does a good job of that, while marrying the message to an energetic tune that makes one sing joyfully.

Changes I've made-

I love this songs as is. The recording has a rather long bridge with a fun bag-pipe type instrumental solo. We don't have a good bag-pipist (is that the right term?) in our church, so we just go right to the repeat of the chorus. I've attached three versions of the song for you to use if you'd like, none of which are in the actual key the song is recorded in. The version you can download for free from Sovereign Grace's store is in G and I have the lead sheet and the chart with the melody line (the .pdf below) for you plus a version in the key of A if G is a bit low. I hope you find them useful.

(just click on the picture and copy/paste it into a document to print and use)

You can find this song on Amazon and Sovereign Grace's website


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