"Come, People of the Risen King" by Keith and Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend (2009), released by the Getty's on Awaken the Dawn Why I recommend this song for worship- We typically use this song as a call to worship. After all, the words themselves are a call to come and worship the Lord. The Getty's do a wonderful job with this one, making the melody very singable and having verses with deep content and a chorus that is simple and calls us to rejoice. Sometimes, a song may have just the good content in the lyrics or just an emotionally charged, yet very simple chorus. I love how this song has both. Our minds are charged up with the truths of our salvation, the unity we have in Christ, and the rest all find as we worship God, then we are able to rejoice because of those truths in the chorus. Sometimes I do this with two separate songs, like singing Thy Mercy , then going right into something like I Love You, Lord to respond to what was just sung. This part...
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