Sunday Singables: "Lift My Eyes"

"Lift My Eyes" by Joshua Huff (2009) released by Joshua Huff on Enriched Affections

This is a song I wrote a few years back for a Summer Camp our church did where the theme was "Raise Your Gaze". It is based on passages from Job 38, Psalm 84, and Psalm 121. Thanks to a former student in my youth group, Tim H., for posting it on his YouTube channel.

Why I recommend this song for worship-

Something I think all of us struggle with is being distracted by the things of this world. This song encourages us to lift our eyes off of those things and instead focus on the Lord and what He has done. We are so small compared the bigness of the world, and yet God still saved us and opened our eyes to see him. This could be used as a call to worship or just something to encourage you in your daily walk with the Lord. It's pretty upbeat and hopefully the melody and feel of the song match the words. Whenever you are tempted to focus solely on your own troubles and think there is nothing bigger than what you are going through, look up to the Lord and see the wonderful things He has done.

Changes I've made-

Well, since I wrote this one, I made all the changes before I published it. On the lead sheet I attached it in the original key, plus a capo version for you guitar players who enjoy playing in G rather than A. Since it is a four pager I just posted a link to the .pdf rather an a picture of each page. I hope you find it useful for yourself or for your church. The students in our youth group really enjoy it and request it often.

Click here for a link to the .pdf copy. Just save it to your computer and enjoy!

You can find this song on Amazon or iTunes.


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