Sunday Singables: "Romans Doxology"

"Romans Doxology" by John G. Elliot, released on When God is Praised (2006), written in 1989, based on Romans 11:33-36

This song is based on Romans 11:33-36 which is the doxology (short hymn of praise) Paul expresses after some rather difficult passages earlier in Romans. It isn't word for word, but it pretty accurately declares what Paul was writing about in this passage.

Why I recommend this song for worship-

Many churches conclude their services with a song of doxology. It can be difficult to keep this part of the service fresh if you constantly sing the traditional "Doxology" song found in most hymnals. You know the one: "Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below..." While I love that song and have even sung it with added verses, it is also good to sing other doxologies from scripture. This one, based on the doxology from Romans 11, is particularly helpful. The verses are based on the first section of the passage with the final expression of praise from verse 36 as the repeated chorus. It is very singable and the melody sets a joyous tone for the truths that are expressed. We sing this regularly in our church to close the service and it always sends us out encouraged and expectant.

Changes I've made-

I haven't adjusted too much to this one. The chords may differ slightly from the recording, but they are even in the same key, including the key-change. The recording is different from how we do it in that the recording has backup vocals and a heavy string track. We usually do this with a worship team and a full praise band including drums and all the rest. How you do it is up to you of course. This song works well both as a meditation or as an upbeat worship song. I've included both the chord chart (which is a little easier to read) and a copy of the notation with the chords written in. Sorry about the quality of the notated copy, but I'm glad I found something at least. I hope you enjoy this one!


(click on the image and copy/paste it into a document to play, print, or practice)

This song is available from Amazon.


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