Sunday Singables: "O Great God"

"O Great God" by Bob Kauflin, based on the puritan prayer Regeneration from Valley of Vision, released on Valley of Vision by Sovereign Grace Music (2006)

This song, and the rest from this album, are based on various prayers from The Valley of Vision, a collection of puritan prayers. This book is a great asset to any devotional. You can order it through Amazon or just read many of these prayers online at Banner of Truth's website.

Why I recommend this song for worship-

I am always in need of being reminded about my sin. It is so easy for me to think I'm better than I really am, or to believe I've done a good job saving myself this week. The words of this song bring us back to the reality of Ephesians 1-2, that we were dead in our trespasses and sins, unable to see or hear God, until He came and awakened our hearts. That is the heart of grace and the foundation of the gospel. This particular song walks through a great progression of really understanding our salvation. It begins in verse one with a focus on God in all his sovereign wonder. Verse 2 shifts the focus to man and his lostness without God. It depicts our regeneration (the name of the prayer this song is based on) and how we found peace with God through the gospel. The final verse urges us to take action and live a life that is consistently dependent on God's grace and full of obedience. I find this song particularly encouraging as a closing song, as we did it today, to send us out in a spirit of humble obedience, grateful for all God has done and will continue to do.

Changes I've Made-

There isn't much to improve with this song. The only thing we typically do is shorten the bridge. We usually transition right from the first measure of the bridge to the last, then into the key change. However, this depends on the situation. This morning when we sang this at our church the full bridge gave us time to say a few words and stand the congregation for the final verse. Overall, I really like this arrangement and the flow from a quieter, piano driven verse one to a full band by the end of the song. If you aren't using this song yet, I hope it will be an encouraging one for you to worship with.

--> Click here for a .pdf of the lead sheet
--> Click here for a .pdf of the guitar chart
--> Click here for a .pdf of the piano music
--> Click here for a .pdf of the string music
You can find all of these links at Sovereign Grace's website for this song.

This song is available from Amazon & iTunes.


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