Sunday Singables: "Jesus, Lover of My Soul"

"Jesus, Lover of My Soul" verses 1-3 by Charles Wesley, music & verse 4 by Joshua Huff, released on Enriched Affections (2010)

This is another original-ish song I arranged a few years ago. The words come from the hymn "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" which can be found in most modern hymnals. That arrangement is very slow and minor. I had always enjoyed the words, but I wanted something more upbeat that fit with the joyful emotions of being forgiven and finding that perfect lover of our souls, Jesus Christ. So, I wrote this little melody and a new version of this song was born.

Why I recommend this song for worship-

I love how this song points us towards Christ no matter what comes our way. It speaks of the desire to want Christ and Him alone over all other idols or temptations. He is the fount of endless grace and the source of healing. All of these truths are wonderfully encouraging and great to sing back to the Lord from a thankful heart. This has been a good call to worship, but can also be used as a final song of praise at the end of a service. Wherever it is used, it is an uplifting song of praise and truth, proclaiming all that Christ has done as the lover of our souls.

Changes I've Made-

I made two big changes from the original song to this version. The most obvious one is the melody. What used to be a quiet, meditative minor song is now an upbeat one. Both have their place depending on when you do the song and its context, but I prefer this version because I feel the text matches this melody better. The other big change is the addition of a fourth verse. I did this to bring the song to its conclusion with us in heaven, enjoying our eternal reward of Christ. The third verse speaks of this eternity, but I wanted to be able to sing about what that meant, thus the fourth verse.

Since this is my song, I've included a link below to download a free .mp3 of it. Please keep this for personal use or for your church. It is also available for purchase at the links below. Enjoy!

(just click and copy/paste it into a document to play along and use however you'd like)

This song is available from Amazon and iTunes.

--> Click here for a free download of the .mp3 (limited time only)


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