100th Post & A Routine God

I was a bit surprised to see that this is my 100th post. It's been quite a journey since I began this little blog several months ago. I'm constantly amazed at the geographic spread of my readers. I don't know if that is intentional or if someone from Germany or Ukraine did a search for smartphones and Google randomly sent them here. Either way, I appreciate all the kind words and numerous views from everyone. While you all may enjoy this, I think I'm the one that benefits the most. There is something very sweet, and Biblical, about looking back at what God has done and what I'm continuing to learn about Him and through Him.

One of those amazing things I can look back on is all the camps I've had the privilege of being a part of over the years. Today, our youth group heads off to Winter Camp where we'll be focusing on the theme of Salt & Light. This is either my 17th or 18th Winter Camp. Add to that 16 or so Summer Camps and you'd think that this would be a routine weekend. But that's what's so exciting about these camps. Each one is different, with different breakthroughs for students and different ways God chooses to reveal Himself. While I will miss my sweet little girls at home, I am pumped for the time away with our students where we can really focus on the Lord and get away from the distractions of everyday life.

Whether it is another camp, another date night with my wife, another blog post, another Sunday of worship, or another time in God's Word, I've found that repetition doesn't necessarily mean something becomes stale and meaningless. Rather, it leads to a greater appreciation of the little details and a love for the opportunity to learn and grow. These things I do over and over again only lose their joy and excitement if I lose my joy in doing them. If I make them solely about me and my pleasure, than of course they will become just a duty to perform rather than a delight to enjoy. But that is what is so great about serving in ministry, and really seeing all of life as our worship/service to God. With God there is no routine. There is no "same old, same old". As Aslan says throughout the Narnia books, things never happen the same way twice. A friend in one of my classes phrased it this way: "God is unchanging, but always new." What a great way to remind us of what Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations:

21 But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: 22  The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24  "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."

Lam 3:21-24 (ESV)


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