Musical Encouragement #7- "Valleys Fill First"

The idea of trials being a valley comes to us from the very familiar Psalm 23 - "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, Thou art with me..." I love how this imagery is captured in many different songs. Valleys Fill First uses that simple title phrase to paint a picture of how God brings blessing to those "in the valley". Those in the valley will be the first to truly feel God's blessing in the end. Whether you interpret the end to be The End of all things or just the end of a season of trial, the truth remains that those in the midst of suffering feel the relief in a greater way. This is similar to the truth expressed in the parable of the two debtors in Luke 7. The one who was forgiven much, who was relieved of the greater burden, loved God more. I believe the same is true for trials. The ones who go through the greater period of suffering will be all the more grateful for the relief that comes later. Whatever your level of trial, pain, or suffering, I hope this song is another encouragement to your soul.

Valleys Fill First
by Caedmon's Call

This is a valley that I'm walking through
And it feels like forever since I've been close to You
My friends up above me don't understand why I struggle like I do
The shadow's my only, only companion and and night he leaves too

Down in the valley, dying of thirst
Now down in the valley it seems that I'm at my worst
My consolation is that you baptize this Earth
I'm down in the valley, valleys fill first

Down in this wasteland I miss the mountaintop view
But it's here in this valley that I'm surrounded by you
Though I'm not here by my will it's where Your view is most clear
So I'll stay in this valley if it takes forty years

It's like a long Saturday between Your death and the rising day
When no one  wrote a word, wondered is this the end
But You were down there in the well, saving those that fell
Bring them to the mountain again

Though I'm down in the valley, dying of thirst
When I'm down in the valley it seems that I'm at my worst
My consolation is that You baptize this Earth
I'm down in the valley, valleys fill first
When You pour on Your water, valleys fill first.

For more about this song, download it from Amazon or visit Caedmon's Call's website


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