Musical Encouragement #10- "Taste and See"

Psalm 34 continues to be one of the most encouraging passages I've come across. So many of the verses carry this message of grace...
     "I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears." (verse 4)
     "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles." (verse 6)

During difficult times in my life this Psalm has brought peace. God's promised provision, healing, and rescue have helped me through unemployment, temptation, unexpected death, and even simple trials like an inconvenient head cold. No matter the trial, no matter the reasons for being "this poor man", the promises of this Psalm stand firm because they rest on our unshakable God.

This particular song is the fruit of my love for Psalm 34 and I've posted about it before. Many of the words originate with Isaac Watts. I hope it is an encouragement to you this December.

Taste and See
verses by Isaac Watts ~ chorus & music by Joshua Huff

Lord, I will bless Thee all my days, Thy praise is on my tongue
My soul shall glory in Thy grace, while saints rejoice to hear Your song

Come, magnify the Lord with me, come, let us praise His name
I sought th'eternal God, and He has not exposed my hope to shame.

O taste and see that the Lord is good, blest is he who takes rest in Him
Fear the Lord, seek Him for His grace, be satisfied in all His ways

I told Him all my secret grief, my groaning reached His ears
He gave my inward pains relief and calmed the tumult of my fears

To Him the poor lift up their eyes, their faces feel His grace
A beam of mercy from the skies fills them with light and joy-filled praise

O sinners, come and taste His love, come learn His pleasant ways
And let your own experience prove the sweetness of His matchless grace.

This song is available to download from Amazon. For more info visit


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