Musical Encouragement #13- "Come All Ye Pining"

Sometimes it seems we never have enough... enough money, enough health, enough peace, enough time. When we lose our contentment we begin to yearn for satisfaction of that empty feeling. Some of those cravings can be satisfied, at least temporarily. But, the sad thing about this life is that we will never truly have enough of anything. That is where the joy of the next life must take hold. Today's song tells us that through Christ we have boundless grace, a never-failing store of bounty, and unmeasured bliss. Pining for things will never happen in heaven, because we will be fully satisfied.

Come, All Ye Pining is a hymn I was recently introduced to. It's one of many from Red Mountain Music that is beautifully and meditatively done. It is written by Anne Steele, whom you may recognize as the author of Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul. These brief phrases, which have a depth of meaning, have been an encouragement to my heart.

Come, All Ye Pining
words by Anne Steele ~ music by Red Mountain Music

Lord, we adore Thy boundless grace, the heights and depths unknown
Of pardon, life, and joy, and peace, in Thy beloved Son.

Come, all ye pining, hungry poor, the Saviour's bounty taste,
Behold a never-failing store for every willing guest.

O wondrous gift of love divine, dear Source of every good;
Jesus, in Thee what glories shine! How rich Thy flowing blood!

Here shall your numerous wants receive a free, a full supply;
He has unmeasured bliss to give, and joys that never die.

*For more about this song visit Red Mountain Music


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