Musical Encouragement #22- "It's Your Grace"

The grace of God is a majestic mystery. Grace is receiving what we don't deserve. The very concept of grace is taken for granted in a culture where so many feel entitled to what they didn't earn. And yet, grace is the foundation for everything a Christian has. We cannot comprehend when, where, and why God chooses to give this grace. There is no reason why we, His enemies, should have received it, but we have. We have God's grace if we are His own, and this truth should overshadow every discouragement, especially the kind that accompanies our sin.

Sin can be the most discouraging thing a Christian faces. The guilt that washes over us, the depression that follows failure, casts a shadow over a heart that has been freed from a past of wrong-doing. The truths in this song, coming right from Romans 9-11, remind is that there is nothing we did to earn our salvation and nothing we can do to lose it. It is truly God's grace, from beginning to the end. Because of that truth I can bring my guilty conscience and discouraged soul to the cross where it is covered by the grace of Christ.

It's Your Grace
by Doug Plank & Bob Kauflin, based on Romans 9-11
released on Grace Has Come

You will save whom You will save, we're the lost and helpless ones,
The revels and the renegades who spurned Your holy face
You will save whom You will save, mercy will be magnified
Everyone has gone astray and followed after lies
But You have loved us and opened our eyes

It's Your grace from beginning to the end
It's Your grace, we will never comprehend
Why You drew the ones who ran from You
What can we do but offer You praise?

You will save whom You will save, we were captive to our wills
And if our hearts had not been changed we'd flee Your mercy still
You will save whom You will save, who can question what You do?
You're the potter, we're the clay, You can make us as You choose
And there is no one who boasts before You

You will save whom You will save, yet the promised hope remains
You will rescue anyone who calls upon Your name
You will save whom You will save, faithful love won't be denied
Christ has overcome the grave and for our sins He died
And when He comes back His glory will shine

*For more about this song visit Sovereign Grace Music


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