Musical Encouragement #17- "Nothing In All The Earth"

One of the most encouraging passages in Romans is the end of chapter 8, which this song is based on. It expresses that great truth of our unbreakable bond to Christ through his death and resurrection. This is the kind of truth our hurting hearts need to hear and sing and shout out in worship. It also flows from the admonishment from Colossians 3:16 to teach one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. What better way to do this than to sing actual scripture to each other? I've posted about this song before, but it is worth hearing again. Be encouraged as you listen, and remember that nothing can tear us from the everlasting arms of our gracious and saving God!

Nothing In All The Earth
by Joel Sczebel

What shall separate us from Your love? Can years of sorrow break eternal bonds?
Can condemnation ever raise its voice against the pardon of the blood of Christ?
Though our journey here is long, this will be our triumph song:

Nothing in all the earth, not any height above, could ever tear us from Your everlasting love
Nothing in all the earth, not any height above, could ever tear us from Your everlasting love

What shall separate us from Your love? For now the sting of death is overcome,
And all the powers of this world must fall before Your feet because You rule them all.
And though our journey here is long, this shall be our triumph song:

Nothing in all the earth could ever tear us from Your everlasting love!

*For more about this song, visit Sovereign Grace's website


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