Easter Sunday Singables: Top 10 Easter Songs

Rather than feature just one song this Easter, I'll be featuring my top ten favorite songs about the resurrection of Christ (at least my top ten at the moment... this list seems to change every year). The list this year includes one song from me, three classic hymns of the faith, two newer ones from Sovereign Grace Music , and four from the Gettys . So, starting with number ten, here they are: 10. Hail the Day (from Sovereign Grace Music) --> Click here to watch on YouTube --> Click here to download a .pdf of the chords 9. O Church Arise (by Keith and Kristyn Getty) --> Click here to watch on YouTube --> Click here to download a .pdf of the chords 8. Jesus Paid It All --> Click here to watch on YouTube --> Click here to download a .pdf of the chords 7. Crown Him With Many Crowns --> Click here to watch on YouTube --> Click here to download a .pdf of the chords 6. Come, People of the Risen King (by Keith and Kristyn Getty) -->...