Easter Sunday Singables: "The Power of the Cross"

During these Sundays of Lent leading up to Easter I'll be featuring a different song focused on the resurrection of Christ. We will be doing some of these at our own services leading up to and on the day of Easter.

"The Power of the Cross" by Keith and Kristyn Getty, released on In Christ Alone (2006)

Why I recommend this song for worship-

At first glance, this may seem more like a Good Friday song than an Easter one. That's what I love about it. Much like In Christ Alone, this song takes the worshiper through the cross, into the resurrection, then onto our response as believers waiting for Christ's return and our reward in heaven. The melody and the message fit very nicely together and it steadily builds until we sing of Christ's resurrection and our place as His children. The joy of Easter comes from the conquering power of the cross and it's consummation when Christ rose. Without the cross, Easter is just another worship service. This song reminds us of that importance.

Changes I've Made-

I haven't altered this one too much. The main thing on the lead sheet below is the key change for the final verse. I think that adds even more to the final expression of joy that Christ was slain for us, enabling us to stand forgiven at the cross. There are a lot of versions and arrangements of this one online, and if you plan on using this I would encourage you to listen to a few of them on YouTube to find one that fits your church.

(just click & copy/paste it into a document to use)

This song is available from Amazon and iTunes.


  1. I appreciate your work on these. I wish I would have found your site earlier. Do you have a top ten anywhere?

  2. Hey Seth. Thanks for visiting. A lot of the work has been done by others too, but I'm glad you've found it helpful. I'm wondering what you're looking for when you mean a top 10. Are you looking for a top 10 of Easter songs or just worship songs in general? Let me know and I'll see what I can come up with.


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