Sunday Singables: "Jesus, Thank You"

"Jesus, Thank You" by Pat Sczebel, released by Sovereign Grace Music on Worship God Live (2005)

Why I recommend this song for worship-

Coming to the Lord in worship each week should be a humbling experience. Few things humble the worshiper more than being reminded that we were once God's enemies, but have now been brought near. God didn't save us from a neutral position to become His children. He redeemed rebels whose lives promoted the very things He hated. This song reminds us of these truths and enables us to respond in worship, singing words like "Thank You" and "I want to live for you."

This song relates to many of the truths found in Hosea as well, which we focused on in our services today. The themes of redemption and God wooing us as a lover back to himself are poetically spoken in this song. The melody is also easy to pick up and matches the lyrics very well. This is a great song to follow a message on redemption or to sing while we give our offerings of thanksgiving to the Lord.

Changes I've Made-

I haven't changed too much with this song. The version on the Worship God Live album is over seven minutes long, so we don't do quite as many repeats. The nice thing about this song is it lends itself to being spontaneous in worship. So, if the Spirit leads, you can throw in a repeated chorus or an extra line to the bridge and it still flows quite well. The key we like to do this in is A. The key of G goes a little too low for my taste, and I'm a baritone at heart so that's saying something. The G copies are what Sovereign Grace has on their website, so I've attached a key of A one below. I hope you find this song useful and encouraging.

--> Click here for the guitar chord chart from Sovereign Grace
-->Click here for more music resources related to this song from Sovereign Grace

This song is available to download from Amazon and iTunes.


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