Sunday Singables: "Arise, My Soul Arise"

"Arise, My Soul Arise" written by Charles Wesley, music by Kevin Twitt, released by Indelible Grace  (2000)

Why I recommend this song for worship-

Guilt and fear rob us of so many opportunities to really worship our Lord in the freedom of grace and forgiveness. This song opens with the reminder that we can approach the throne of grace with confidence, knowing that the Son has enabled us to shake off guilt and fear. The upbeat tempo and singable melody encourage us to do what the words say: "Arise!" No longer do we need to cower in shame for our sin. Christ has taken care of that on the cross. Now all we need do is come and worship the Lord. Not only does this song accurately teach the truths of the gospel, but it encourages the biblical response of worship. All of these elements make this a wonderful song with which to worship our God.

Changes I've Made- 

The only change I've made is in adding some harmony lines. Below is the standard lead sheet you can download from Indelible Grace, but with the harmony parts added on the chorus. We will be singing this with our choir in the coming week, but the parts also work well for smaller ensemble. This song works really well as a call to worship or as a reflection piece after a message on the gospel (which is really every message, right?). I hope it serves you well.

(just click & copy/paste this into a document to play along)

This song is available from Indelible Grace and Amazon.


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