Sunday Singables: "Taste and See"

"Taste and See" verses by Isaac Watts / chorus & music by Joshua Huff (2009), released by Joshua Huff on Enriched Affections

Click here to listen --> Taste and See from "Enriched Affections"

I wrote this song a few years ago in preparation for one of our Summer Camps where the theme was "Taste and See". Psalm 34 was the text for memorization that year, and I found Isaac Watts' verses very encouraging, mainly because they came straight from scripture. All I did was add the chorus and the melody and here we are.

Why I recommend this song for worship-

Colossians 3:16 is a key verse for any worship leader. It tells us to "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." This song fills all three of these categories, being directly from a Psalm, functioning as a hymn, and encouraging the spirit as well. I think the melody also fits the encouraging tone of the verses, making a song that speaks scripture directly to the discouraged heart. It tells us to see that the Lord is good and to look at how we have even experienced that in our own lives as a reminder. Whether your congregation is going through a rough season or a time of great joy, this song should be a good fit to encourage thankfulness in the heart to God.

Changes I've made-

I haven't really made any changes from the recording, since it is my recording. The original words from Isaac Watts were changed a bit to fit the time and melody of the song, but otherwise they are essentially his words for the verses and mine for the chorus.

(just click on the picture and copy it to a Word doc to play along with the song)

You can find this song on Amazon or iTunes.


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