Favorites from T4G- Day 2

Day two of Together for the Gospel was "kids" day as Matt Chandler said. The messages on the Bible from Kevin DeYoung and prayer from David Platt were some of the best I've heard on the subjects, and I've heard a lot of sermons in those areas. Matt Chandler finished up the day encouraging us to take all we've heard and go to the nations with it. To be honest about yesterday, these quotes don't do the messages justice. They were life changing words from God and I would highly recommend listening to them on T4G.org when they become available. On this, the final day of the conference, there is still a ton to take in. To say we have a few heavy hitters left on day three would be an understatement with John Piper, Lig Duncan, and John MacArthur on the schedule. But I don't want to get ahead of myself. Without further adieu, here are some of my favorite quotes & paraphrases from the day:

Kevin DeYoung on The Inerrency and Sufficiency of Scripture
"We have nothing of eternal value if we don't have the truth, and how can we have the truth if we don't trust the scriptures."

"To suggest that any word from God could be errant or broken would not have been enlightened, but blasphemy to Jesus (John 10:35b)"
Yes, find consensus the church, but not just the church of the modern mainline west , but the global church, the church of 2,000 years. When we look at that we find remarkable consensus." (regarding homosexuality among other things)

"Isn't it plausible to think that Jesus knew Jewish history better than 19th century Germans?"  (referring to modern criticism of the accuracy and inerrancy of the Old Testament)

"Rebellion against the scriptures is rebellion against God. The scriptures are without error because God is without error."

"Jesus doesn't stand over scripture in judgment, he obeys it."

"We need to decide now whether we will stand on this Word or some other word."

"Does your [preached] Gospel alarm anyone? It should." (Acts 24:24-25)

David Platt on Prayer
"Why do we spend hours every week in study of the word but minutes in the discipline of prayer."

"God brings about remarkable change in the world as a response to the prayers of His people."

"A right doctrine of providence results in a right practice of and confidence in prayer."

"God has not called us to pray and watch history happen but to pray and shape how history unfolds."

"There is great danger in doing God's work and claiming God's promises without His presence and the power of the Holy Spirit."

"We need to pray for God's power in the church to wake up His people to do His work."

"We pray because we want God. This is the termination of supplication."

Matt Chandler- Christ is All
"We love Pauline theology but don't want Pauline pain." (A criticism of our disdain for any kind of suffering for the Gospel)

"The Spirit if God opens hearts to believe. Our job is to tell."

"Christ has conquered death... what can people do to us? Laugh at us? Make fun of us? Is this the price we are unwilling to pay."

"When we are unwilling to enter into those conversations that might bring rejection, there is too much of us and we need to be reminded how small we are." (Job 38 is a good reminder of our lack of importance)

"No system [of evangelism] will ever produce a zeal for evangelism like knowing on whom we have believed in."

"To be a beast in the pulpit but afraid of [telling the gospel to] your neighbor shows that something is wrong."

"Jesus didn't die for those who might believe, but for those who will believe, so let's tell them. Let's herald the news of the gospel."

Other Good Quotes
"The church has no good news for the unrepentant sinner." We love, we pray for and preach the gospel, but "ultimately the church isn't there to make an unrepentant sinner feel good in their sin." - Mark Dever


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