Sunday Singables: "In the Valley"

"In the Valley" by Bob Kauflin, released by Sovereign Grace Music on Valley of Vision (2006)

This song is based on the opening prayer from The Valley of Vision- a collection of puritan prayers. You can follow this link to read the prayer (it's at the bottom of the page).

Why I recommend this song for worship-

I love this song because it is full of the paradoxes of the Christian life. In dying we live, through slavery we are made free, through suffering we find joy... the list goes on and on. Singing these biblical paradoxes back to God reminds us of our reliance upon Him and how we need to trust His sovereign hand, especially when things don't make sense. This song is a wonderful encouragement to those that are going through "the valley", a reference to the valley of the shadow of death from Psalm 23:4. It could be a quiet meditation during a time of confession or a song of commitment. However it is used, corporately or privately, it should bring us back to the fact that God is always near to His children, even when they go through trials and valleys.

Changes I've Made-

When I've done this song I play and sing it basically the same way as on the recording. The guy/girl harmony sounds really good if you have the voices to pull it off. I would recommend introducing this song as a special music number, then allowing your congregation to sing in the future. It is one that they will want to pray along with you.

(just click and copy/paste these into a document to print and play along)

--> Click here for the .pdf copy of this song
--> Click here for more resources for "In the Valley" from Sovereign Grace Music

This song is available to download from Amazon and iTunes.


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