Riding For My Life

   I keep pushing but the wind seems to push harder.
      I can't keep my speed up.
Dark clouds ahead...the promise of more rain...
    Will I get to my half-way spot?
        Too much loose gravel to keep a steady course.

These and other thoughts swirled around my head as I rode my bike today with the threat of yet another impending storm. My ride matched my life. There is so much going on, so much that might not work out. What to do? Where to go? How to provide?

I stopped for my lunch break 7 miles into my ride and had a quick snack. The storm came just as I sat down under the overhang of a closed office building. It wasn't too bad, but steady enough to know that it would have made for an uncomfortable ride had I been caught in the rain. Yet, God had pushed me just enough to get where I needed to be. After a short break for a sandwich and an apple the rain stopped. As the sun came out for a peak I headed back to my route, taking back roads for the final 9 miles home.

The anxious thoughts soon joined me again. I didn't have control over my situation, and that bothered me. Then I saw it...

click to enlarge
It was the front end of the storm in all its beauty. Thunder heads mixed with clear sky and as many shades of blue and gray as I could imagine. God made this, and it was perfect. How could a God who was in control of such a storm not be in control of my life. Am I not more to Him than clouds? I am one of His children...

As I continued my ride another sight caught my attention, something I had never seen before...

A Cold-Air Funnel over Charleston, IL
Again I was awestruck. Man tries to capture these things through special effects in movies, but God creates them literally out of thin air.

As I sit here typing away, thinking back on my ride, listening to the thunder overhead, watching the rain pour down outside, I can't help but wonder at my amazing God. How can I doubt Him? He will guide my steps the same way He guides funnel clouds and storms. Praise Him for His sovereign hand.


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